
意大利佛羅倫斯2019年7月16日 /美通社/ -- 今年7月的兩天被用來讚揚體育和更加重要的公平競賽價值觀。7月,佛羅倫斯市舉行第23屆美納里尼國際公平競賽獎(International Fair Play Menarini Award)頒獎禮,這個一年一度的評獎活動主要是表彰那些在笑傲體壇的同時還充分尊重規則的冠軍。

Zico with fellow  winners of the XXIII^ edition of the International Fair Play Menarini Award.
Zico with fellow winners of the XXIII^ edition of the International Fair Play Menarini Award.

Zico with fellow winners of the XXIII^ edition of the International Fair Play Menarini Award.


多年來,眾多體壇冠軍由於堅持公平競賽而獲得表彰,但是今年的評選非常不同,長長的冠軍名單覆蓋眾多不同的體育項目,獲獎者包括足球運動員薛高(Zico)(榮獲體壇終身成就獎)、排球運動員Andrea Giani(榮獲Sustenium能量和心靈特別獎)、奧運會中長跑運動員Gabriela Szabo(榮獲終身模範獎)和俄羅斯體操運動員Svetlana Khorkina(榮獲體壇明星獎)等人。

醫藥集團美納里尼(Menarini)是公平競賽獎的冠名贊助商,並且選擇將美納里尼的名字和使命與這項重要計劃聯繫到一起,這進一步展現了集團總裁Eric Cornut以及美納里尼股東和董事局成員Lucia Aleotti和Alberto Giovanni Aleotti支持公平競賽的強烈願望。

美納里尼董事局的兩位成員Lucia AleottiAlberto Giovanni Aleotti評論說:「透過為美納里尼國際公平競賽獎這個獨一無二的體壇盛事提供贊助,美納里尼希望對更好的體育價值觀予以認可,在需要實現目標的時候,這些更好的體育價值觀有些時候會被忽視。美納里尼想要表彰這些體壇冠軍的道德行為,並且希望這些冠軍不僅將能在賽場上,還能在日常生活中,成為更為年輕的男女運動員的榜樣。」







Ennio Troiano, HR Director Menarini Corporate, and the champion Svetlana Khorkina.
Ennio Troiano, HR Director Menarini Corporate, and the champion Svetlana Khorkina.

Ennio Troiano, HR Director Menarini Corporate, and the champion Svetlana Khorkina.


From left to right: Alberto Giovanni Aleotti (Member of the Board of Menarini) with Eric Cornut, (President of Menarini), Lucia Aleotti (Member of the Board of Menarini), with the Volpi Rosse Menarini (wheelchair basketball team who won the Award in 2016).
From left to right: Alberto Giovanni Aleotti (Member of the Board of Menarini) with Eric Cornut, (President of Menarini), Lucia Aleotti (Member of the Board of Menarini), with the Volpi Rosse Menarini (wheelchair basketball team who won the Award in 2016).

From left to right: Alberto Giovanni Aleotti (Member of the Board of Menarini) with Eric Cornut, (President of Menarini), Lucia Aleotti (Member of the Board of Menarini), with the Volpi Rosse Menarini (wheelchair basketball team who won the Award in 2016).

圖片 - https://media.zenfs.com/zh-cn/hk.prnasia.com/efc80f7afd639233c0e63cf239e4a3a4 
圖片 - https://media.zenfs.com/zh-cn/hk.prnasia.com/a30995b3d624e3c2c7f9ca652d1f8809 
圖片 - https://media.zenfs.com/zh-cn/hk.prnasia.com/d98a8cef006c9b50ae58ba53f7ea41cf 
圖標 - https://media.zenfs.com/zh-cn/hk.prnasia.com/26c9a8ebc0d12dffaefe2d0599614464

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